Thursday, October 09, 2008

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Facts

An interesting paradox regarding beliefs - facts don't apply.

Cognitive dissonance won't help people make rational decisions, but it also suggests that there's little point in arguing with someone who holds an opposing belief. Could this response be why, despite being repeatedly refuted in the media, the percentage of Americans who believe Sen. Obama to be a Muslim continues to grow?

More on how Ideology trumps facts in this report.

Proof of the above thesis can be found among the wound-up fandom at a typical rally for Palin-McCain: (hat tip to Kleinheider)

1 comment:

  1. there's little point in arguing with someone who holds an opposing belief.

    I found that out this morning at the dentist's office when the hygienist told me she only watches Fox News because CNN "only gives you one side of the story."

    You know, it's just not smart to argue with the lady pointing sharp pointy things at your gums.
